K-8 Guided Student Discovery Math
for Multiplying and Dividing
Our Books

Multiplying and Dividing
* The Best Stuff for Multiplying & Dividing
* Sharing Big Numbers
* Teams
Discover the Basics - Multiplying & Dividing

Adding and Subtracting
* Addition, Subtraction, & Place Value
* The Best Stuff for Adding & Subtracting
Discover the Basics - Adding & Subtracting

Fractions and Decimals
* Fractions & Decimals

Percents, Ratios, and Rates
* Percents, Ratios, & Rates

Access to Algebra
* Discover the Basics - Equations!
* Discover the Basics - Negative Numbers
* Discover the Basics - Squares, Roots, & Exponents
*Access to Algebra

Organizing and Graphing Data
* Organizing & Graphing Data

Measurement and Geometry
* Measurement & Geometry
* Discover the Basics - Perimeter, Area, & Volume

Math Intervention Strategies

How it Works
Discover and Perfect the power of Guided Student Discovery

Multiplying and Dividing

530: The Best Stuff for Multiplying & Dividing,
308 pages - $64.95

Clear graphics and problems from the world of team ports and other real-world objects give learners a wealth of new approaches to conceptual understanding, fluency, and application of basic multiplication and division in ways suited to individual learning styles. Related work pages help the students to create their own mental imagery, and develop a realistic sense of estimate and a logical feel for application. Scripted directions are included, as well as diagnostic tests and ongoing assessment formats.

Teacher Ideal for teachers, resource teachers, homeschool instruction, parents wanting to support their child's work, includes photocopying rights.
Student Includes all of the lessons in thte teacher's edition, minus the diagnostics, lessons guides, and photocopying rights.
Email My Order !! Click here to order individual chapters or the whole book, emailed to you within 24 hrs.

Completely Updated - With All New Teacher Lesson Guides

Why is it hard to remember the multiplication and division facts?
Some students do not understand what multiplication and division really mean. They try to memorize and apply things they have not experienced and do not understand.

With this book, students build fluency the same way we remember our way around a new city: we drive around, a lot, look around, notice where things are, and gradually develop familiarity, confidence, and ability.

Watch our podcasts, "The MLS Number Line" and "Soccer Teams" to see how MLS graphics enable students to experience an amount sense, develop fluency without rote memorization, and experience the three basic concepts of multiplication:
* How many groups?
* How many in each group?
* How many altogether?

Keyed to the new California State Intervention Standards
* Built on the documented success of its predecessor in
raising student achievement scores

Mastery Learning Systems, 532 N. School Street, Ukiah, CA 95482, 800-533-4181, mastery@pacific.net