K-8 Guided Student Discovery Math
for Fractions and Decimals
Our Books

Multiplying and Dividing
* The Best Stuff for Multiplying & Dividing
* Sharing Big Numbers
* Teams
Discover the Basics - Multiplying & Dividing

Adding and Subtracting
* Addition, Subtraction, & Place Value
* The Best Stuff for Adding & Subtracting
Discover the Basics - Adding & Subtracting

Fractions and Decimals
* Fractions & Decimals

Percents, Ratios, and Rates
* Percents, Ratios, & Rates

Access to Algebra
* Discover the Basics - Equations!
* Discover the Basics - Negative Numbers
* Discover the Basics - Squares, Roots, & Exponents
*Access to Algebra

Organizing and Graphing Data
* Organizing & Graphing Data

Measurement and Geometry
* Measurement & Geometry
* Discover the Basics - Perimeter, Area, & Volume

Math Intervention Strategies

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Fractions and Decimals

533: Fractions & Decimals, 645 pages - $89.95

This book helps students create their own mental pictures of fractions, and discover tangible ways of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing them. It uses graphics to clearly illustrate fractions of a thing, fractions of many things, and fractions of a fraction, and enables students to comprehend the real comparisons that underlie the traditional rules, and to reconnect to their sense of natural curiosity and tactile reality.

Teacher Ideal for teachers, resource teachers, homeschool instruction, parents wanting to support their child's work, includes photocopying rights.
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Students are first grounded in seeing and feeling fractions, and then proceed to more symbolic and abstract ways of dealing with them. Common denominators and confusing operations become compellingly logical necessities as students are guided in making tactile/visual discoveries and comparisons. Lesson guides are included, as well as diagnostic tests and ongoing assessment formats.

Here are a few sample pages from the book.

Mastery Learning Systems, 532 N. School Street, Ukiah, CA 95482, 800-533-4181, mastery@pacific.net